As the wife of a professional chef, it is completely difficult to satisfy Mr. Pete when it comes to preparing a dish. Although I have learned a lot over the years and have finally begun preparing at least tolerable dishes, it wasn't always that way.
This story has been repeated many times over the years and has become more comedic than humiliating. Therefore, I have decided to share the laugh with you all.
When Mr. Pete and I first married, all I wanted was to treat this man as he deserved. I truly spoiled him in every area, except at the dinner table. My first experience was one of shame, and so the story goes. I asked Mr. Pete what his favorite meal was one morning, and he responded "I like a good chuck roast." I thought, "Well, this will be easy." And so began my feat of preparing the perfect chuck roast for my new husband.

I visited the grocery store that afternoon, and chose the best cut of meat on the shelf. I went back home and started the roast only to burn it in a matter of minutes. So, I hopped in the car and revisited the grocery store. Once again, I chose the next best cut of meat available on the shelf. I went back to the same cashier who checked me out the first time, paid the clerk, loaded myself and the roast back in the car, and drove home. When I got there, I began preparing the second roast of the day. I seasoned the meat well, added my vegetables, added the meat, and covered the pot. A little later, I could smell this burning aroma coming from the kitchen. I ran from one end of the house to the other only to discover that I had, in fact, burnt the second roast. This time, it was completed black. No way I could save this roast. So, I grabbed my purse, jumped in the car, drove to the store, picked out my third roast (I wasn't worried about the cut of meat this time), checked out again with the same cashier (who I told not to ask questions), got back in my car, drove home, and started the roast. This time, I decided to lower my fire a bit (but not too low, because the husband would be on his way from work soon) and started cutting new vegetables. I added all my ingredients, covered the roast with water, and waited. In my defense, my cooking skills may be poor; but that is mainly because I am a multitasker. I tend to clean house, wash dishes and clothes, sweep and mop floors, dust, etc. when I am cooking; thereby taking the attention away from the stove. Well don't you know, I could hear the pot sizzling from the next room. So, I take off running to the stove and add a bit more water to allow the roast to tender some more. I thought for sure I had saved it.
Mr. Pete finally got off work and called to let me know he was on his way home. I was anxious to show him that I had cooked his favorite meal for dinner. I also wanted him to see some potential in my cooking skills. I guess I was looking for a compliment or two, as most newlywed wives like. Mr. Pete arrives home and greats me with a wonderful hug and kiss. I had missed him tremendously; but what he didn't know was that I was a bit occupied that evening trying to prepare our dinner. Then came the true test... serving supper. Mr. Pete walked over to the stove, opened the cover of the pot, and said, "It's a little burnt, don't you think?" Darn it! I turned to him and replied, "That's only the third roast I cooked today!" Surely he didn't believe me. Would you have? To his hesitation, I told him to check the other pots on the stove where he discovered my blacker than black roasts that I had previously cooked for him trying to prepare that perfect chuck roast.
Since then, Mr. Pete has managed to teach me the basic skills needed to prepare several different dishes. He specifically taught me how to prepare the perfect chuck roast that I had tried so very hard to make for him many years ago. Still, he is and will always be the better cook!
1- Chuck Roast (I use approximately 5 lbs.)
2 tsp. Mr. Pete's Cajun Seasoning per pound of meat
2 tblspns. garlic, minced
2 tblspn. Olive oil
6 cups water (You may need more depending upon the size of your meat and desired texture.)
In a roaster set at 350 degrees, add olive oil. Rinse meat, sprinkle Mr. Pete's Cajun Seasoning over top, bottom, and sides of roast. Rub seasoning into meat and add to roaster. Brown both sides of roast until dark brown. Be sure not to burn it!
Spread minced garlic on top of roast, add 2 cups water, cover and let cook. During this time, Mr. Pete says you should never walk away from the kitchen. As the water cooks out, the roast begins to tenderize. You will want to wait until the water has almost evaporated. Then, cut your roast into 1-2" pieces. The smaller you cut the roast, the faster the roast will become tender. Once the roast is cut, you will have to add more water in 2 cup increments. Continue adding water until your roast has reached your desired texture. The entire cooking time is approximately 2-3 hours for the ultimate tenderness.

My first mistake, many years ago, was not monitoring my roast. I was also cooking the roast on a stovetop, which is entirely different than cooking in a roaster. This is a tried and true recipe that we love to enjoy over a bed of rice and with our favorite vegetable on the side, such as sweet green peas or green beans with potatoes. I also like to cook the leftovers (if we ever have any) even longer to make a yummy roastbeef following the same steps of adding more water as needed to continue cooking the meat down to perfection. Mr. Pete's Cajun Seasoning gives this dish all the flavors you need to prepare the perfect chuck roast!
Order your Mr. Pete's Cajun Seasoning
here and Get Hooked On It!!!